National team: Kimmich moves to the right – Süle starts against Japan

National team
Kimmich moves to the right – Süle starts against Japan

National coach Hansi Flick revealed his plans before the international match against Japan. photo

© David Inderlied/dpa

Hansi Flick moved Bayern professional Joshua Kimmich to the right side of defense against Japan. A returnee can immediately prove himself in the starting eleven.

National coach Hansi Flick is making a decisive change in the German national football team by moving Bayern professional Joshua Kimmich to the right defense in the first international match of the European Championship season.

In addition, Dortmund’s Niklas Süle will immediately return to the starting line-up after being left out of the first five games of this year in Wolfsburg against Japan. Flick announced this before the final training.

Flick did not explicitly confirm Kimmich’s use on the right at the DFB press conference in Wolfsburg on Friday. But all statements clearly indicated this. The 28-year-old from Munich is “a very important player” for the DFB selection who can be valuable for the team in several positions, explained Flick. With the exception of the last World Cup game in Qatar against Costa Rica, Kimmich had always played in midfield under Flick.

Süle is preferred over Thiaw

“Jo is an absolute professional and team player. He puts himself at the service of the team,” said Flick about Kimmich’s acceptance of the move to the right. “Our job as coaches is to put him where he can give more to the team.”

In the center of defense, Süle is preferred over the young Malick Thiaw from AC Milan, who was a bright spot in the June internationals as a newcomer. “We are pleased with the development at Malick,” said the national coach. But Süle will play in the center of defense against the Japanese.

After four international matches without a win in a row, new captain Ilkay Gündogan urgently needs a successful start to the European Championship season against Japan and three days later against France in Dortmund. “These are two unpleasant games,” said Gündogan. But “at the start of the hot phase of the EM year” it is now elementary to play good games and achieve positive results. The Wolfsburg stadium is sold out. At the botched World Cup in Qatar, the German team lost 2-1 to Japan.


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