Natacha Bouchart, LR mayor of Calais, supports Emmanuel Macron

The LR mayor of Calais, Natacha Bouchart, announced this Thursday evening her support for Emmanuel Macron for the presidential election. She asserted the “general interest” of her city and praised the president’s “acts” “in the face of the difficulty of migration management”, in an interview with the Figaro.

“I want Emmanuel Macron to be re-elected, I believe he has the greatest ability to win the next presidential election,” said Natacha Bouchart, saying she wanted to “continue to work with this government”. “I approach this presidential election without partisanship but only through the general interest of Calais, a city permanently exposed”, she added, assuring that it was not a “choice against Valérie Pécresse”, his party’s candidate for the April election.

“I have no intention of joining the Republic on the march”

“Since 2017, we have found attentive listening and support from the president with actions in the face of the difficulty of migration management”, further justified Natacha Bouchart, mayor since 2008 of the port city and close to Nicolas Sarkozy. “I can attest that on this level that the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin has always been present. We got the reinforcements we asked for in September. Dismantling continues to be carried out,” she boasted.

This rallying is a new stone in the garden of Valérie Pécresse, who suffered Wednesday the defection of the deputy and former minister Eric Woerth before a big meeting Sunday in Paris. “Making a decision is not shooting at an ambulance. I know I will disappoint some people but I want to be clear with the activists, ”explained the mayor of Calais. The city councilor, however, said he hoped not to be excluded from his party, of which she recalls being “member since 1979”. “I have no intention of joining the Republic on the march,” she insisted.

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