Nasser Al-Khelaïfi still settles accounts with Real Madrid and Javier Tebas

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In recent weeks, in Spain, media outings against Paris Saint-Germain have multiplied. If Florentino Pérez had been rather cordial with the club from the French capital, refusing to present PSG as an enemy, La Liga president Javier Tebas went so far as to file a complaint to cancel Kylian Mbappé’s new contract. The leader of the Spanish championship believes that the champion of France, which will still suffer colossal losses at the end of this financial yeardoes not comply with the UEFA Financial Fair Play rules.

In an interview given to brandNasser Al-Khelaïfi wanted to make certain things clear. “Who is Tebas? I do not know him. We don’t meddle in the affairs of other clubs, other championships or federations, it’s not our style. But I will not accept that we are given lessons. I don’t care what he says, really, we’ve been talking about this for years. We have a football project to build and we will continue. What comes out in the media doesn’t worry us, we don’t waste our time with it.”he first launched, tackling the president of La Liga.

Tebas takes very expensive

“Every year, every summer, it’s the same. That we don’t respect this, that we don’t respect that… We know what we can do and what we can sign, we know it better than him and no one can tell us what we must do. If we do it, it’s because we can. Look with Messi. We were told it was impossible, in the end we made money with Messi. He doesn’t know anything and he should focus on his championship which is a bit dead.added the Qatari leader, who also explained that “Real Madrid’s offer was more important than theirs”.

To conclude, he made a point of specifying that the club-state label which is attributed to PSG on the other side of the Pyrenees is not fair. “In Spain, the state supports certain clubs, more than us. A magnificent stadium in the city center without paying anything… We pay for the stadium, for the training center, they have more support. It is not fair. We pay for everything », probably referring to Real Madrid, although it should be noted that if this is the case, the Spanish club has financed its training center on its own, just as it does for the renovation of its stadium. Anyway, no doubts, Nasser has it bad against Spain!

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