mystery bag owner Generated 114 Scam Meme Tokens in 2 Months

According to research by blockchain detective ZachXBT One wallet address has been found to have launched “114 memecoin scams” ​​in the past 45 days alone.

In a Twitter thread of April 26, ZachXBT followed the movement of a wallet address called “0x739c58807B99Cb274f6FD96B10194202b8EEfB47,” noting that “every time money is stolen from a scammer. will be sent to the same deposit address.”

Memecoins are tokens inspired and created based on popular internet jokes or memes. which generally do not have serious utility or future use cases.

On April 27, a Twitter user CoinGurruu posted a similar topic. By specifying the address of the scammer’s wallet “0xCc16D5E53C1890B2802d5441d23639CAc6cd646F,” allegedly “launching memecoin to 2-5 rug pulls a day for almost 2 years in a row.”

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The post, the owner of the mysterious bag 114 Scam Meme Coins Created in 2 Months Appeared First on Bitcoin Addict.

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