My Master: what time do the first admission results fall on the platform this Tuesday?

A few days after the first responses on Parcoursup, the “My master” platform, which allows students with a bac+3 diploma to apply for a master’s degree, delivers its first verdicts to candidates from Tuesday June 4, 2024.

Candidates will receive the first responses to their wishes from 9:00 a.m. and then, every day until June 23, their position on the waiting lists may change.

“I hope it goes well”

From Tuesday, they will be able to know if the training courses to which they applied have already accepted their application, if they are on the waiting list and at what rank or if a given training course has not accepted their application“, explains the Ministry of Higher Education.

It will each time be possible for the candidate to definitively accept a proposal, to refuse it or to accept it provisionally while an application on the waiting list is transformed into a new proposal.“.

A proposal definitively accepted by a candidate”will automatically cancel their other wishes, thus offering new possibilities to other candidates“, recalls the ministry.

I hope it goes well. I don’t have the best grades in the license so I have a little apprehension for Tuesday morning“, explained to AFP one of these master’s candidates, Yanis, 20 years old, a 3rd year student of Modern Literature at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, who made 15 applications in France.

An additional phase from June 25 to July 31

For its second year, “My master” offers an additional phase to streamline the allocation of vacant places.

The additional phase – based on the model of what exists with the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform – will take place from June 25 to July 31, after the main admission phase. It will be open to all candidates who have not definitively accepted a proposal during the main phase.

The objective of this calendar is to ensure that students admitted during the complementary phase have the entire month of August to organize their return to school, explained the Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau in December.

Candidates without attribution will be able to contact the rector of the academic region, on the platform, from July 15, recalls the ministry which is setting up a toll-free number (0800 002 001) until July 31.

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