“My heart will go on”, “Stayin’ alive”… 5 covers of popular songs by metal bands

Can metal and popular culture go hand in hand? We sometimes see singers more or less mainstream trying to cover a metal song, but the opposite sometimes happens too.

On the occasion of Motorcultor Festivalthe other big metal festival in France (after Hellfest), which takes place from August 18 to 21 in Saint Nolff in Brittany, we have selected 5 covers of popular songs by metal bands, sometimes serious, sometimes funny ( unintentionally or not).

Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush, by Angra

André Matos, the late singer of the Brazilian band Angra, was one of the most beautiful voices in metal. It was necessary that to resume the first hit of Kate Bush.

Losing my religion, by REM, by Lacuna Coil

The Italian metal band, which sometimes has its eye on the pop-rock side, has a singer and a female singer. So it’s a two-voice cover.

My Heart will go on, by Celine Dion, by Battledragon

Metal is a genre that brews great emotions. That’s good, Celine Dion too! It is therefore a logical association, as the Finnish group Battledragon has understood. Another group, Dragonforce, also produced a version of the song from the Titanic, giving it a speed metal tempo. And if the famous dance scene of titanic had been a pogo, instead of an Irish dance?

Stayin’ alive, by the Bee Gees, by Ozzy Osbourne

This is perhaps the funniest/absurd/improbable cover of this top 5. The Bee Gees hit reviewed by the Prince of Darkness and the son of legendary guitarist Frank Zappa. Enough to bring some dead people back to life!

Johnny B. Goode, Chuck Berry, by Judas Priest

What is metal if not a descendant of rock? With this cover, the British group Judas Priest pays tribute to their roots in a way.

A metal program, but not only…

For 4 days, the Motocultor festival will welcome 105 groups on its 4 stages. Fans will be able to applaud bands like Powerwolf, Behemoth, Kreator, Apocalyptica, Testament…

But in order to diversify its audience, the Saint Nolff festival also offers a very good rock program. In addition to The Hives, The Libertines, the group of Pete Doherty and Carl Barat will come to celebrate on stage the 20th anniversary of their mythical album Up the bracket.

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