Mushroom hunters in Kelheim attacked by wild boar – Bavaria

The Bayern editorial team got their readers through this summer to the best of their knowledge and belief. With highly serious texts on politics and society, of course – but also on how to properly deal with cattle when hiking. Because cows look nice with their pretty eyes, standing in front of the mountain panorama and wagging their tails. But they are not always. And such a cow has strength!

“Stick to the paths, don’t run all over the place, don’t climb over all the fences,” is the advice from an expert in one of our articles this summer. Or: “Mother cows are more aggressive than young cattle because they want to protect their calves.” Or: “When the cow lowers its head, stomps, snorts and starts pawing and roaring, then you know that things are getting dangerous.”

It sounds as if you are not in the idyllic Free State, but in a bullring in Madrid: wild and frightening. Not like Bavarian idyll and cosiness. It sounds like what mushroom hunters recently experienced in Kelheim, Lower Bavaria. There, in the women’s forest, a wild pig acted like a wild pig. The animal had – in the middle of the day! – attacked two men who were looking for mushrooms. The meeting degenerated according to media reports in a fight between man and wild sow, from which luckily the mushroom hunter emerged as the winner.

After the cow, now the wild boar and of course we don’t want to forget the bear and wolf. This is no longer Bavaria, which Markus Söder praises every three days as heaven on earth, but the Canadian wilderness! Recently, during the last swim of the summer in a Bavarian body of water, small fish could be seen nibbling on the legs of the bathers. Bavarian piranhas!

So it could be that soon you will no longer read instructions on how to swear correctly in Bavarian, but rather tips on how to survive in supposedly leisurely activities. You can’t bake anything in life without instructions anyway. So in the future: What to do if squirrels invade chestnuts? Or: How to behave correctly in the event of beaver attacks while carp fishing.

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