Munich: Unknown person shoots at public bus – Munich

A shot was apparently fired at a Munich Transport Company (MVG) bus in Unterföhring early Wednesday evening. No one was injured. The bus was at the Feringastraße Ost stop when a passenger heard a bang. He called the bus driver and together they discovered a bullet hole in the left side window. The bus driver then decided to call the police.

Since an attempted murder could not be ruled out at first, the homicide squad took over the investigation. Weapons experts from the State Criminal Police Office, however, found neither lead nor bullet residue. The police therefore now assume that at least a real weapon was not used. However, falling rocks or other causes can also be ruled out.

At the time of the incident, there were about 20 passengers on the bus – but none of them were in the area where the bullets were fired. The police are now investigating for attempted bodily harm and damage to property. The damage is in the five-figure range.

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