Munich: Two Ukrainians attacked in the subway – Munich

The police are investigating a connection with the war in Ukraine in an assault that occurred early in the evening of last Saturday on subway line 1 towards Mangfallplatz.

At around 7:30 p.m., a 34-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman, both Ukrainian citizens, were riding the subway and chatting in their native language. An unknown man spoke to them in Russian and asked if they were Ukrainians. When they answered the question in the affirmative, he hit the man in the face with a glass bottle. Immediately afterwards he got off at the Columbusplatz stop and disappeared.

The Ukrainian went with his companion to the Giesingen police station and reported the crime. The blow had broken a tooth and left him with redness and bruises on his face.

The police describe the perpetrator as around 1.80 meters tall, around 25 to 30 years old, with an athletic build. He was wearing a black jacket, a hoodie, black pants and a black sports bag. Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to contact the police.

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