Munich: toilet paper set on fire in the supermarket – Munich

Five unidentified young people are suspected of having set fire to several toilet paper rolls in a supermarket warehouse in the Nymphenburg district of Munich on Thursday.

According to the fire brigade and police, an employee of the shop on Rosa-Bavarese-Strasse noticed thick smoke from a shelf around 5:50 p.m. after the fire alarm went off. She and other colleagues immediately sent all customers out of the store. The employee tried to prevent worse with a powder extinguisher until she had to save herself outside.

The fire brigade put out the fire and took about 100 packets of toilet paper outside to make sure there were no embers left. Nobody was injured.

The police are investigating the presumed arson of five young people. They were both seen in the store and filmed by surveillance cameras, a police spokesman said. The property damage is estimated at several tens of thousands of euros.

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