Munich: The Night of the SZ Authors – Munich

It has now become a good tradition: once a year the editors present themselves South German newspaper in Munich to its readers. They imagine, they imagine discussions – and they show what else is involved in addition to writing in order to offer comprehensive, in-depth journalism that has its home in Munich but likes to take the whole world into account : Podcasts, storytelling, social media postings and much more.

Around 50 influential people from the SZ could be seen around the Volkstheater on Friday evening. The range of topics was as wide as the daily SZ offering, from casting for the new Bavarian cabinet to an insight into the editorial team’s approach to investigative stories such as the one about the harassment allegations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann to the colorful quiz from the cultural world which not only explored the secret of how many bars Wagner’s Ring has, but also asked the question: “What is the name of Barbie’s neighbor?”

In total, more than 1,000 interested people took part in the Authors’ Night offer, which was rolled out in the Volkstheater and the Luise Cultural Center – in temperatures that, unusually for mid-October and probably for the last time this year, turned summery. Autumn truly arrives this weekend. Also a good time for good journalism.

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