Munich: tank truck catches fire in the middle of rush hour – one dead (video)

See the video: Tanker truck catches fire in rush hour – one dead in a serious accident in Munich.

A serious accident occurred in Munich in the middle of the rush hour. A tanker truck collided with a gravel truck on the Mittlerer Ring, near the parking lot of the Olympic Park. According to the Munich police, for reasons that have not yet been clarified, the driver encountered oncoming traffic and collided with the truck loaded with diesel. Both vehicles immediately caught fire. According to spokesman Johann Petryszak, the fire brigade was immediately on site with a large contingent: “At 7.36 a.m. we had a report of a traffic accident between two trucks. There was also a message that the two trucks were on fire. The first emergency services have already further on the approach we saw the column of smoke and started immediately with the massive extinguishing measures. The fire has currently been extinguished. Unfortunately, we have to report a deceased person in a truck. The second driver was able to leave the driver’s cab.” When firefighters arrived, both vehicles were parked across the roadway. Because of the collision, several thousand liters of fuel ran out. This must now be picked up and disposed of by the fire brigade. According to fire brigade spokesman Johann Petryszak, there were no other injuries: “For the population there was only a danger in the immediate area around the site, because fuel had burned here, two large trucks. Thank God we had no injuries in the residents’ area because there are generous open spaces all around and therefore there is no danger to the residents.” According to their own estimates, the emergency services will be on site until late afternoon. The accident caused chaos in the morning rush hour. An expert should now clarify the exact course of the accident.

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