Munich: Stadtwerke customers can get an energy saving bonus – Munich

Consume less energy, save money and also secure a bonus: Private customers who obtain their electricity or natural gas from Stadtwerke München (SWM) can now do this. The campaign starts this Wednesday and runs until December 15. You can register online ( Anyone who manages to reduce their consumption by ten percent receives a bonus of 50 euros. Anyone who lowers the next annual bill by at least 20 percent compared to the current one will receive a bonus of 100 euros. Households that are already particularly economical, i.e. whose energy consumption is already in the low consumption range, receive an immediate bonus of 50 euros, since in such a case a further reduction in energy consumption is unrealistic.

According to Stadtwerke, the main priority is to reduce gas consumption. In particular, saving thermal energy (heating and hot water) is helping to balance out the uncertain international supply situation caused by Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Saving electricity also makes a contribution, since electricity is partly produced with natural gas. SWM boss Florian Bieberbach: “The situation is still serious, even if the targeted storage levels in Germany are currently quite good. We all have to save energy in order to overcome the crisis together.” Bieberbach recalled that the municipal utilities have intensified their energy-saving advice for low-income households in view of the new development. This is free of charge and also includes an energy-saving starter package and individual tariff advice. In addition, Stadtwerke provided a heat fund of 20 million euros to help those people who are most affected by rising energy prices.

According to Florian Bieberbach, the municipal utilities would do everything possible to ensure that nobody had to freeze this winter. It is clear that rising energy costs are a burden for all households, “even threatening for some”. Customers who have financial difficulties or are in default of payment should therefore contact SWM customer service immediately. In a joint discussion, they then look for a solution, such as an installment plan or a postponement of the payment date.

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