Munich: stab in the back after a dispute in the club – Munich

A 20-year-old from the Fürstenfeldbruck region was injured by a stab in the back at around 4:30 a.m. in a club on Landsberger Strasse on Sunday. He was with acquaintances in the smoking area, where an argument broke out with another group. In the course of this, the 20-year-old put an opponent in a headlock. At the same time, an approximately 35-year-old man from the second group approached the 20-year-old from behind and stabbed him in the lower back with a sharp object.

The club’s security service separated the parties and called the emergency services. Commissariat 25 is investigating dangerous bodily harm and is asking for information on 089/29100. The perpetrator description: 1.80 meters tall, stomach, glasses, balding, full beard, tattoo on the right arm.

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