Munich: Samuel Koch at the Kammerspiele – Munich

It’s a prominent cast change: Samuel Koch will take on the role of Lucy Wilke in “Hungry Ghosts” at the Kammerspiele on March 15th and 16th. Lucy Wilke is part of the Kammerspiele ensemble and was awarded the Bavarian Art Prize in 2022 for her “great contribution to more diversity in art”. Samuel Koch is known from television, as an author and speaker. In 2010 he had an accident on the show “Wetten, dass ..?” and has been paraplegic ever since. He now stars in “Hungry Ghosts”, a play developed by Polish-French director Anna Smolar. It deals with the topic of epigenetics, i.e. the fact that traumata are deposited in the genetic material. Smolar has wrapped this up in a fast-paced and hilarious farce in which an ensemble cast attempts to rehearse a jealousy comedy.

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