Munich: Russian-Ukrainian couple about the war – Munich

She comes from Ukraine, he from Russia, they live together in Munich. She is afraid for her homeland. His mother sent him Russian propaganda. How do you manage not to break up as a couple because of the war?


Julia Schriever

Actually, everyone should have got to know each other soon. your two families. Julia and Sergei invited them to a holiday. They already had the flights to Turkey, because it is easily accessible for everyone. For Sergei’s mother who is from Russia. For Julia’s family who are from Ukraine. And for both of them, Julia and Sergei, who live in Munich. Nothing will come of the family vacation. Julia’s mother is with them in Munich now, she fled the war. And Sergei’s mother sits in front of the TV in Russia and sends messages in which she writes about “Ukrainian fascists” and “liberation”. Once she said to Sergei: “You are a Nazi if you support Ukraine.”

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