Munich: Number of refugees and migrants at the main train station is increasing – Munich

For several weeks now, the federal police have been registering more and more migrants and refugees at Munich Central Station. According to police spokesman Wolfgang Hauner, there were a total of 25 people on Monday. Most traveled on cross-border trains or on trains coming from places close to the border in Germany.

Among the people there were 18 self-identified Turkish nationals, including two babies and five children between the ages of eight and 13, as well as three teenagers. The seven other people came from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone. Among them were two unaccompanied minors. All 25 were forwarded to initial reception centers or the Young Refugee Center Munich. A 27-year-old Turk who was picked up by customs came to Munich from Kufstein in the EC82. He applied for asylum in Austria on October 5th. The man was banned from entering Germany.

Illegal entry, which is dangerous for migrants and hidden in freight trains via the Brenner route, has almost come to a standstill for a year. People reported by the railway in the track area at Munich freight or marshalling yards point to migrants, but as a rule the people observed were fleeing from the federal police, it was said.

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