Munich: man who locked up a widow has to go to psychiatry – Munich

She was alone, had no more family and her husband had been dead for ten years. That’s when Monika P. (name changed) met Dimitrios V in early 2012. The two got along well, just a few weeks later the now 63-year-old moved in with her. This was to begin a martyrdom for the widow that lasted for years. Dimitrios V. locked his new partner in her apartment in Schwabing, humiliated and raped her. Since V. suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and can therefore not be held criminally accountable, the judges of the 29th Chamber at the District Court of Munich I now ordered the 63-year-old to be placed in a closed psychiatric clinic.

When Monika P. met her tormentor, she suffered from anxiety disorders. Doctors had also diagnosed her with a tumor. Dimitrios V began harassing her just a few weeks after moving in with the now 77-year-old. After a vacation in Greece in July 2012, he no longer allowed Monika P. to leave the apartment without his companion. In the autumn of the same year, V. canceled his partner’s landline connection without asking her beforehand. In the following years the situation in which Monika P. found herself escalated more and more. Dimitrios V sealed all the windows of the apartment with paper and foil so that the widow could not even look outside.

During holidays together in 2014 and 2015, the 63-year-old tied his partner to the bed with a chain at night so that she could not leave the bedroom and asked her to write 500 times in a notebook: “I don’t look at any other man.” Because Dimitrios V feared that his partner might poison the food, he forbade her to go into her kitchen. In order to be able to control this, he installed a motion detector there. The few social contacts that Monika P. still had had long since fallen asleep. Dimitrios V had made sure of that. Because he had only allowed the 77-year-old to talk to friends on the phone in his presence. The widow did not have her own cell phone.

As of April 2019, V. had also decreed that Monika P. had to be “available” to him for one hour a day. Monika P. put up with everything. The long time imprisoned had robbed her of strength. The end of the martyrdom came for Monika P. only in November 2019. The caretaker had noticed that he had not seen the 77-year-old for a long time and that no one opened the door. The caretaker then called the police.

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