Munich main station – thief steals expensive smartphone – district of Munich

An unknown person pulled her high-quality smartphone out of the jacket pocket of a 44-year-old woman from the Munich district on Monday at Munich Central Station. The woman noticed that her iPhone 13, which cost 1,300 euros, was missing immediately after the crime, but could no longer find a suspect. As reported by the federal police, the thief stole the woman’s device when she was on the escalator to the northern station exit on Arnulfstrasse at around 1:15 p.m. Now the officials hope to be able to identify the perpetrator with the help of video recordings. These were evaluated immediately, it is said, when the 44-year-old reported the crime. And pictures of a suspect also appeared. The man with jeans, a black sweater and a light gray backpack left the main station in a northerly direction immediately after the crime. According to the announcement, the federal police are initially trying to identify the perpetrator through internal police searches.

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