Munich: Loss of 1443 trees in one year – Munich

How many trees disappear from the cityscape every year? Or will there be even more? There are now concrete answers to this, because Munich has 2021 for the first time took a great stock in tree protection. The result is ambiguous: in 2021, more than 2,000 trees have disappeared from private land. To this end, 646 more trees have been planted on public green spaces, from the roadside to the parks, than have been felled. Overall, however, there is a loss: at the end of 2021 there were at least 1443 fewer trees in Munich than in the previous year.

At least because the city only manages to control around 60 percent of the new plantings that have been ordered. However, the figures from the balance sheet assume that every property owner has fulfilled his obligation. In Munich, every tree that is at least one meter high and has a trunk circumference of at least 80 centimeters is protected. Excluded are most fruit trees. If you want to cut down a protected tree, you usually have to plant a replacement for it. Trees can often not be planted one-to-one on properties with dense old stock and high building rights. Therefore, a compensation payment is possible.

All in all, exactly 8587 fellings were approved in Munich in 2021 and 7144 replacement plantings were ordered. The administration has also calculated the balance sheet in each of the 25 districts.

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