Munich: How professional carers support people – Munich

There is the homeless 43-year-old with muscular atrophy. Or the elderly lady who was overwhelmed by the bureaucracy after the death of her husband. A professional carer helps them to organize their lives. But there are too few of them.

The room that Daniel S. recently moved into is sparsely furnished. Two beds are lined up against the white wall, one of them a nursing bed, the other clearly unused. “I’ve been looking for an apartment for three years,” says the 43-year-old, who is in a wheelchair. Next to him, Jürgen Baumgartner has taken a seat on one of the two chairs in the small apartment of a flexi-home, where homeless people can find temporary accommodation. Daniel S. has stored his clothes in a narrow locker, and everything else he owns is stored in plastic bags under his nursing bed. “Jürgen takes care of everything I need,” explains Daniel S., “he helps me with administrative matters – I’ve let that slide, both physically and for other reasons.”

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