Munich: Florian Paul & The Chapel of Last Hope. Crowdfunding – Munich

The singing songwriter Florian Paul names his band The Chapel of Last Hope. That, like many things with the young man who can sound wonderfully precocious, may be exaggerated. But in fact he is a beacon of hope for local songwriting. His first album “Inbetween” was a great promise that he used to keep with great gestures at concerts. Now is the time for a new record between pop, jazz, rock and chanson, but not only. This time Gerd Baumann’s film music student wants to make a feature film that combines four of the songs. In order to realize the project “Built on Sand”, the band started a crowdfunding that will run until the end of October ( There you can also buy a ticket for the concert at Heppel & Ettlich to support you.

Florian Paul & The Chapel of Last Hope, Tuesday, October 19, 8 p.m., Heppel & Ettlich, Feilitzschstraße 12, phone 089/181163

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