Munich Film Festival 2023: line-up of stars and colorful looks at the opening

Munich Film Festival 2023
Star line-up and colorful looks at the opening

Veronica Ferres, Dr. Christine Theiss, Mariella Ahrens and Iris Berben (from left) came to Munich for the opening on Friday.

© imago/APress / imago/Future Image / imago/Future Image

The Munich Film Festival opened for the 40th time on Friday evening. Numerous stars from the film world did not miss this.

The who’s who of the German film industry came together again on Friday evening in the Bavarian capital to celebrate the 40th Munich Film Festival. Among others, Veronica Ferres (58) with daughter Lilly Krug (22), Iris Berben (72), Dr. Christine Theiss (43) or Mariella Ahrens (54).

Ferres shone on the red carpet in a midnight blue jumpsuit with long sleeves and playful ruffles at the waist. She also wore white sneakers and a white handbag. Lilly Krug wowed in an all-over black outfit: Her black dress captivated with a deep V-neckline and a waist belt. She chose a black handbag to go with it.

Iris Berben was photographed in a brown blouse dress with high glitter stilettos. dr Christine Theiss stood out from the crowd with her light blue glittering robe. Mariella Ahrens wore the same bright red dress.

These celebrities also came to the opening

Also present on Friday were Daniel Donskoy (33), Wayne Carpendale (46), Ottfried Fischer (69) with his wife Simone, Maria Furtwängler (56) and Tom Beck (45). Martin Semmelrogge (67), Hans Sigl (53) and his wife Susanne as well as Judith Williams (51) and her husband Alexander Klaus Stecher were also part of the party.

The Munich Film Festival celebrated its opening on June 23rd and will continue until July 1st.


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