Munich: Diploma exhibition 2024 of the Academy of Fine Arts. – Munich

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Many people have pondered this famous question, known as the chicken-and-egg problem. With her work “A Beginning,” which consists of a huge eggshell in a matching cardboard box, Lisa Chiara Kohler raises other questions derived from them. Namely: Where do we come from? And where are we going? For the graduate of the set design and costume class Munich Academy of Fine Arts In any case, the second question is open. Lisa Chiara Kohler will be one of around 70 students leaving the academy. “A Beginning” is her thesis. She can be seen at the Diploma exhibitionwhich opens on February 8th at 6 p.m. in the foyer of the new building and runs until February 13th.

As every year, graduates from all areas are represented; in addition to costume and stage design, there are sculpture, photography, painting and graphics, media art, performance as well as jewelry and equipment. Their final work can be seen in the old building. And as is now common practice, they will also be accessible via shown online.

As usual, the winners will also be announced at the opening, and they will be able to look forward to various prize money and scholarships. What is already known: Eunju Hong will receive the 2024 Media Art Prize from the Ingvild and Stephan Goetz Art Foundation for her project proposal “Somnium”. Hong was inspired by the book of the same name by the astronomer Johannes Kepler, which is considered the first science fiction novel.

Otherwise, as always, it is difficult to bring the final theses to a common denominator. For example, Karolina Vocke invites you to a one-hour conversation with five other people every day in a glass pavilion in the auditorium. “Conversation as art” is the name of her performative installation, in which speaking itself becomes art and is created “in shared authorship”. Theresa Gavin is with me daspfö created an Internet domain that can be reached from anywhere. 40 different Powerpoint presentations are randomly displayed there. Gavin sees this as a “spiritual offering that goes beyond common thought patterns”.

Declaration of love to reality: Hannah von Eiff’s hanging laundry.

(Photo: Hannah von Eiff)

Costume and set design graduate Hannah von Eiff has created, as she says, “a love letter to reality” with her “underwear” hanging on a rack. And Yuchu Gao created a series of charcoal and pastel drawings called “Maximum Bearing Capacity.” These are inspired by female figures and are all intended to demonstrate that women can take on any form. This can be a monster, a goddess, a housewife or mother, but also an everyday object such as a brick, a needle or a piece of hair.

Diploma 2024, Thursday, February 8th, 6 p.m., opening, until February 13th, Academy of Fine Arts, Akademiestrasse 2,

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