Munich: City makes it easier to take over green sponsorships – Munich

Crocuses have long been sprouting from the ground in the meadows, broom, magnolia and cherry trees unfold their colorful splendour. Spring has awakened – and with it the people of Munich also get the chance to make dreary corners along city streets bloom and hum. Because the city has optimized its green sponsorship program just in time for the warmer season. Planting a piece of lawn between the sidewalk and the road or the area around a tree is now much easier than it was a year ago.

The procedure: Beet lovers propose a location to the Green City association that they want to let flourish. If the area is suitable, a sponsorship agreement is signed that includes the permanent care of the area. Then it’s time to select the perennials and plant them. The city finances the initial furnishing of the bed.

Green City offers support throughout the process: the association not only organizes planning workshops for green sponsors and helps on the spot, it has also put together a kind of tool box for the entire course of the campaign. Interested parties can find detailed information at

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