Munich: By car to the Audi Dome – Munich

A sports club’s request to avoid public transport when traveling to the volleyball games caused trouble in Sendling-Westpark. The Herrschinger Club is now giving in.

Politicians at all levels never tire of promoting the switch from private cars to public transport. If a sports club explicitly advises against using public transport to get to the competition hall on its website, it will not go down well. The outcry was correspondingly shrill when the volleyball department of TSV Herrsching (“WWK Volleys”), which recently played their games in the Audi Dome like the basketball players of FC Bayern Munich, recently called for “by car, bike or on foot ” to arrive. The appeal was also linked to the fact that “sufficient parking spaces are available in each case”.

The echo of this wave with the volleyball hand started immediately. The chairman of the district committee (BA) Sendling-Westpark – the Audi Dome is located in this district – let the club board know in no uncertain terms what local politicians think of traffic management that bypasses buses and trains. “We don’t like that at all,” wrote Günter Keller (SPD) of the WWK Volleys from Ammersee. It is to be feared that almost all spectators will come to the Audi Dome by car, because hardly anyone will set off from Herrsching to Munich on foot or by bike.

Keller drastically describes the consequences of misguided streams of visitors. It’s not just about air pollution and congestion. Rather, “unfortunate experiences” with the home games of the FC Bayern basketball team have shown that many people want to save on parking fees and therefore park their vehicles in the surrounding residential areas. “We cannot accept that,” clarifies the BA chairman. Because of this problem, there had already been “intensive and cooperative brainstorming” with the Bayern basketball players, which were ultimately successful. Keller now also asked the athletes from Herrsching to contact them to resolve the conflict.

They wanted to show a way without the risk of infection

The volleyball players reacted immediately. In a “forgiving way,” as Keller puts it. In fact, the WWK Volleys removed their call for people to travel by car from their homepage. Similar to FC Bayern, they are considering using buses and otherwise want to point out to their fans parking options in a nearby multi-storey car park. “ÖPNV/MVG must also be integrated from an ecological point of view, and the car cannot be the means of choice from Herrsching,” admits club spokesman Jonas Kaminski in the meantime sheepishly. He also provides a reason for the earlier car recommendation: Because of the corona pandemic, they wanted to show viewers a way to get to the Audi Dome without the risk of infection.

The BA chairman Keller is satisfied with the statement: “They gave in, apologized and signaled their willingness to talk to us about the situation at the Audi Dome. That’s okay.”

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