Munich: Anke Feuchtenberger from Hamburg presents a comic essay – Munich

A gap can arise in a wall, but also between two people. In Anke Feuchtenbergers The comic essay “Der Gap” appears in the form of a crack in the floorboard in which a chimney sweep is stuck. Or in the shape of cracks in houses in which snakes or bats live. In addition, the fascinating picture narration, which the Hamburg artist and long-time professor of design will talk about on October 19 with Babara Yelin in the Comic Bar in the Monacensia speaks, the gap to the metaphor for processes and conditions.

In its overall composition, “Der Spalt”, which was released in June by the Villa Stuck Foundation in a limited edition and has since been sold out, is designed as a kind of “life letter” to the granddaughter. And as a meditation on the Corona period. The basic mood created by dark coals of coal is correspondingly unsettling to a large extent, but it is interrupted again and again by bright and cheerful moments.

Comic Bar with Anke Feuchtenberger, Tue., Oct. 19, 7 p.m., Monacensia im Hildebrandthaus, Maria-Theresia-Str. 23, free tickets over

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