Munich: An ex-gangster tells young people about his life – Munich

Since Corona, the problems with violence, drugs and gangs at the Munich Adolf Kolping Vocational School have increased significantly. Youtuber Maximilian Pollux, who himself was in prison for a long time, wants to make it clear to young people what it means to be a criminal.


Catherine Aldenhoff

It’s very quiet in the classroom as Youtuber Maximilian Pollux tells the youngsters how bad he felt when the police searched his mother’s apartment for the first time. When his little sister cried, the little brother already understood what was happening, the mother begged not to take her boy with her, and the neighbors watched from the window as the police officers took him away anyway. “That’s what we forget when we start screwing things up,” says Maximilian Pollux. “We think we’re just fucking our lives. But we’re burning everything around us.”

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