Movement calls on Britons not to pay their energy bills

Galloping inflation also exceeds our neighbors across the Channel. A movement dubbed “Don’t pay UK” has emerged and is encouraging Britons to refuse to pay their energy bills as early as October, reports ​The Guardian. It must be said that the central bank predicted that inflation would exceed 13% in the fall in the United Kingdom as the country finds itself headless following the resignation of Boris Johnson, mired in scandals.

As early as April, British energy companies had tried to alert Downing Street: “it will become horrible, really horrible” in October, had warned Keith Anderson, the boss of ScottishPower. The recalcitrants of the “Don’t pay UK” movement have taken it seriously and are scrutinizing the decisions in London.

One Million Goal

Because at the beginning of October, the maximum ceiling for gas and electricity bills set by the English regulator will drop from 1,971 pounds to 3,300 pounds per year. An increase which follows the already sensational one of 54% last April. “We demand a reduction in energy bills to an affordable level”, explain the disgruntled on the site they opened for this purpose.

Members of the movement hope to convince a million British nationals to have “serious power in the face of energy companies and the government who laugh at us”. This Tuesday at noon, just over 94,000 people had joined the movement according to the site counter. According to the central bank, the recession will start at the end of 2022 in the United Kingdom due to soaring energy prices, which will push inflation to more than 13% in October and further aggravate the current dramatic crisis of power. purchase suffered by British households.

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