Mother and stepfather finally get 25 years in prison

The new verdict is in. Less than a year after their first assize trial, the mother and stepfather of little David, 8, were retried guilty of the murder of this child found lifeless in his bathtub on January 11, 2017 in Saint-Herblain. , in the Nantes suburbs. Both were sentenced this Friday afternoon to 25 years of criminal imprisonment by the Morbihan Assize Court of Appeal.

A sentence below 28 years in prison pronounced by the Loire-Atlantique Assize Court on November 20, 2020. The withdrawal of parental authority over their two and five respective children has also been decided.

Feet and hands tied in water

Accused of acts of torture and barbarism that resulted in his death without intention of giving it, Eunice K., 30, and Guy-Roland D., 36, had admitted to regular violence against David since they had had him. brought back from Ivory Coast where he had grown up with his grandmother. Punished on the day of his death, the child had been immersed hand and foot in the bathtub before being killed.

The case had aroused immense emotion in the Nantes conurbation.

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