Moscow calls Izium mass graves a ‘lie’ and bombs nuclear power plant

You missed the latest events on tensions in Ukraine ? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Hundreds of bodies and a mass grave in Izium, eastern Ukraine, were discovered after Russian forces withdrew from the area. On Monday, the Kremlin called these discoveries “lies”. ” This is a lie. We will of course defend the truth in this case,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

“It’s the same scenario as in Boutcha,” he said, referring to another city in Ukraine, located near kyiv, where Russian forces have been accused of committing atrocities. what Moscow denies. Since the beginning of its military intervention in Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly denied having committed abuses.

sentence of the day

Russia endangers the whole world. We have to stop it until it’s too late.”

This is a phrase from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The leader is worried after a strike on the Pivdennonooukrainsk nuclear power plant blew out about 100 windows in the building and caused a brief disconnection of three high-voltage lines at the plant.

The number of the day

14.5 billion. The European Union froze 14.5 billion assets of Russian figures as part of sanctions adopted in response to the war in Ukraine, but several countries, including Hungary, did not contribute to the effort, claimed a European commissioner on Sunday. “We have to put very strong pressure” on Hungary, because “we can assume that [ses] very close ties with Russia, perhaps prevent it from acting”, declared the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders.

The trend of the day

The fear of a serious nuclear accident is only growing. On Monday, the Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom accused Russia of having bombed the site of the Pivdennonooukrainsk power plant, in the south of the country. “On September 19, 2022, at 12:20 a.m. local time (11:20 p.m. French time on Sunday), the Russian army bombed the industrial zone of the Pivdennonooukrainsk nuclear power plant,” Energoatom said on Telegram.

“A powerful explosion occurred just 300 meters from the reactors,” he said. “Currently, the three reactors of the plant are operating in regular mode”, assured the public operator according to which the bombardment did not cause deaths or injuries.

The strike still blew out a hundred windows in the power station building and caused a brief disconnection of three high-voltage lines at the power station, according to the same source. This Ukrainian nuclear site is the third to be drawn into the war launched by Russia in February against Ukraine, and this, despite multiple calls from the international community to spare such infrastructure so as not to cause a continental catastrophe.

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