More than 5,900 people are still in intensive care in France

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care in France remains above the threshold of 5,900 people on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. (Illustration) – UGO AMEZ / SIPA

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in “critical care”, namely in resuscitation, intensive care and continuous surveillance, was 5,984 on Tuesday. A slight increase from the day before when they were only 5,970, according to figures released by
Public health France.

In 24 hours, 601 patients were admitted to these services which treat the most serious cases, against 502 patients the day before. For ten days, this highly scrutinized figure has been around this threshold of 5,900, still far from the peak of the first wave in April 2020 (around 7,000).

Number of hospitalizations down

The total number of hospitalized Covid patients is for its part down slightly, with 31,086 patients on Tuesday, against 31,214 the day before. A total of 2,404 people have been hospitalized in the past 24 hours, according to the health agency.

On the vaccination front, 12,999,655 people received at least one injection of vaccine and 4,845,217 both doses, according to the Directorate General of Health.

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