More than 21 days without rain, it will be hot this week

Not a drop since May 16. In Paris, it hasn’t rained for twenty-one days, a record that hadn’t been recorded since… 1949 in May-June! On Twitter, Météo-France meteorologist François Jobard illustrates his point with a very telling graphic.

And Parisians and Ile-de-France residents will be hot this week. While spring has been slow to show the tip of its nose, it already seems to be turning into summer very quickly. If it was only on May 27 that Paris recorded an outside temperature of 25 degrees, a particularly late date for a first hot day of the year. The last time Parisians waited so long was in 1999.

According to Météo-France forecasts, this upward trend is not about to change. In Île-de-France this week, temperatures will be between 24 and 27 degrees. And next weekend in Paris, 30 degrees should be reached, i.e. temperatures above normal for the season, up to 8 ° C on average.

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