More money and precautions: Greens and associations present flood action plan – Bavaria

Doubling the flood protection budget, more money for flood prevention for municipalities, more flood areas and less soil sealing: this and numerous other measures should significantly improve flood protection in Bavaria, according to the Greens and several associations. “The Free State must double the financial resources for flood protection – and with it the speed of natural flood protection measures,” says a joint list of demands that was presented in Munich on Monday. The Nature Conservation Association, the Bavarian Homeowners’ Association, the State Association for Bird Protection and the Haßfurt municipal utilities are involved.

In view of the recent flood disaster in many parts of the country, the paper states: “When it comes to protecting people and their property, more resources must be spent, especially with a view to future flood events.” Natural flood protection measures must be given priority in terms of funding.

Specifically, the signatories are calling for a significant reduction in land use, more natural water retention in the area, the renaturation of rivers, the relocation of dykes and thus more floodplains overall. Smaller communities should receive more financial support for flood retention areas. “Whether flood channels or deepened meadows that divert water away from the area – simple facilities can prevent disasters,” the paper states. To this end, a funding program worth 150 million euros should be set up for smaller communities. 100 additional jobs should be created immediately at the 17 water management offices in Bavaria, which are responsible for active flood protection on site.

In addition to compulsory natural hazard insurance at the federal level, the Greens and the associations are calling for a funding program for homeowners in potential flood areas. Small measures can have a big impact, such as retaining flaps for sewage pipes, flood thresholds in underground car parks or flood-proof windows. The funding program should initially amount to 50 million euros. Another demand is a change in building law to prevent the designation of building areas in flood-prone areas in the future.

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