More control at the borders: Faeser proposes border procedures for some asylum seekers

More control at the borders
Faeser proposes border procedures for some asylum seekers

The traffic light government, representatives of the states and the Op Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa

The traffic light government, representatives of the states and the Op Photo

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

After days of back and forth, politicians from the traffic light coalition and the CDU/CSU are finally talking again. They want ways to gain more control over migration.

Representatives of the The traffic light coalition, the Union and the states have come together for new discussions on better management and control of migration. According to information from government circles, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) proposed that in future, when someone makes an asylum application and enters the country illegally, the federal police should check whether another member state is responsible for carrying out the asylum procedure and question the foreigner. Recourse to the Eurodac identification database could help with this. The federal police could then apply to the relevant court for detention on the grounds of the risk of absconding, provided that detention capacity is available.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) could then initiate an accelerated procedure for readmission by the responsible country in accordance with the so-called Dublin rules. If detention is not an option, a permanent assignment and residence requirement should be provided as an alternative.

Union set conditions for meeting

After a first meeting last week, the Union made it a condition for a further meeting that comprehensive rejections at the borders should also be discussed. The parliamentary manager of the Union faction, Thorsten Frei, said on his arrival at the ministry that Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) had made it clear in advance by telephone “what is necessary for us to enter into such a discussion”. However, there were also statements from the coalition that raised doubts as to whether the SPD, FDP and Greens were in agreement on this issue.

Frei said: “The conditions that we agreed on together are not really met.” However, since there is a need to deal well with the challenges of migration, it was also clear to the Union that it wanted to try to make a contribution here.

SPD parliamentary group vice-chairman Dirk Wiese said they wanted to talk about “legally secure rejections” as well as other issues such as the powers of the security authorities.


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