Moosburg: Fire brigade rescues Rehkitz – Freising

The rescued victim showed little gratitude in the end, but the operation to which the Moosburg fire brigade was called on Monday morning should find its way into the chronicles of the volunteers: A young deer got stuck in a lattice fence on Feuerdornstrasse. This was reported by the integrated control center in Erding at 8:48 am – and the Moosburg fire brigade moved out “with a rescue vehicle and command vehicle”, as described in a message from the helpers.

In fact, heavy technical equipment was required for the subsequent rescue operation, as it turned out: the fawn apparently wanted to slip through a wrought iron fence and got wedged in the process. Now completely frightened, it could no longer free itself – and the hour of human helpers had struck. In order not to injure the deer, the emergency services carefully held the fawn with a blanket. At the same time, a possibility of liberation was sought.

Because the massive fence could not be dealt with with “standard equipment such as bolt cutters or saws”, a hydraulic spreader had to be used, as the report goes on to say. With this device, which is otherwise only used for people who are trapped after a serious traffic accident, the fence posts could be widened a bit, so that the young animal was “freed from its predicament with little effort”.

Hardly on its own again, the animal wanted to leave as quickly as possible, as the helpers found, but it still had to endure a brief examination. After the emergency services could not find any apparent injuries, the agile young animal was released into the wild. The rescuers from the fire brigade took the lack of gratitude calmly: “Although the animal did not thank the eleven workers deployed, it can be assumed that it was happy about the quick rescue.”

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