Monero hard fork in collaboration with 71 developers has been a success.

A hard fork to upgrade Monero, crypto’s most popular privacy protocol, is now block 2,688,888 and has enhanced the network with many new privacy features.

The number of signers for ring signature has been increased from 11 to 16 for every transaction. Ring signatures are digital signatures that can be created by all members of the group. which is impossible to calculate which key (from that group of keys) used to generate the signature. and makes it impossible to trace the origin of Monero transactions.

The previous Bulletproofs algorithm was upgraded to “Bulletproofs+” by Bulletproofs is zero-knowledge proofs that enable confidential transactions. Bulletproofs+ reduces transaction size and speeds up transactions. and overall performance is expected to improve by 5-7%.

View tags will be a new way to increase wallet sync speed by 30-40%. Monero-supported wallets include Ledger and Trezor, two of the most popular hardware wallets. Cake wallt is a popular wallet that was originally only available for monero, but now supports bitcoin (BTC), litecoin (LTC) and haven (XHV).

fee change It reduces fee fluctuations and improves overall network security.

Multisignature function It has been improved and important security patches have been added.

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