Moderator: Inka Bause talks to her farmers on the phone

Inka Bause talks to her farmers on the phone

Inka Bause also hosts the 20th season "Farmer seeks wife" (Archive image). Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Inka Bause also moderates the 20th season of “Farmer Seeks Wife” (archive photo). Photo

© Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The docu-soap “Farmer Seeks Wife” has a long history – and presenter Inka Bause is right in the middle of it. The show, in which farmers look for love, means something to her even away from the cameras.

Moderator Inka Bause is also available to the candidates from her show “Farmer Seeks Wife” away from the screen. “The farmers can write to me, and if there is a fire, I sometimes talk to them on the phone,” the 55-year-old told the German Press Agency. This includes the well-known shepherd Heinrich, for example. “If I hear that another barn has burned down, I call him and ask him how he is,” said Bause. He is currently having problems again – with bluetongue disease in his sheep.

In addition, she is repeatedly invited by the farmers – to barbecues, weddings, but also to funerals. “I am honored by this,” said Bause. “And I have to be honest: the day when I say I can no longer do the show will be very difficult.”

“Farmer Seeks Wife” has been running on RTL since 2005. Farmers search for true love and are accompanied by Bause as presenter. The 20th season starts on RTL on Monday (September 30th, 8:15 p.m., in advance on RTL+).


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