Model complains that she is too beautiful to look for a partner

US model
27-year-old complains: She can’t find a partner because all men are put off by her beauty

The model Elizabeth Marie Chevalier

© Screenshot Instagram / @marieechev

Too sexy for dating? Model Elizabeth Marie Chevalier has a problem that most women wouldn’t even think of. She believes that her good looks unsettle potential flirt candidates.

Usually, women question every little thing about their looks before they jump into the dating fray. And they usually find a whole handful of things that they see as potential obstacles in the way of finding the perfect mate. Is the butt too small? Belly too big? Laughing too loud? The skin too impure? Women are masters of unnecessary self-criticism. Only with model Elizabeth Marie Chevalier does it seem to be different.

Admittedly, the 27-year-old looks everything you would imagine a model to look like. She is slim, fit, has flawless skin, full lips and even fuller breasts. At 1.77 meters, she is also quite tall. And she even posed frankly for “Playboy”. One can say: Objectively there is nothing to complain about. Nevertheless, the young American is involuntarily single. And she has a guess as to what might be causing it.

Too beautiful for a partner?

“I’ve been on dates with guys who couldn’t talk to me,” Chevalier says. “Dating is difficult for me because I’m so beautiful. Because I’m tall and sexy and have a strong personality.” Actually all points that should magically attract men – one would like to think. But apparently that is not the case. The 27-year-old believes that her attractive appearance puts men off, preventing them from wanting to get to know her better. She was “gentle and loving, which you could tell if you got to know me better.”

The men who approach Elizabeth Marie Chevalier usually do so in a very offensive way. The model knows straight away that the other person is not interested in her personality, but in more superficial things. Such types are usually “cheeky and self-absorbed,” judges the model. “They hit on every pretty girl around.” She wants a man who is at peace with himself, is strong in body and character and, ideally, also has green eyes. And he has to dare to speak to her…

Sources: “”, Instagram


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