Mockridge has to put up with speculation about love life – media

Comedian Luke Mockridge has to put up with media speculation about romantic relationships. If celebrities in interviews or on Instagram give reason to deal with this part of their private life with their behavior, they should not be surprised at the reports and the speculations contained therein, the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe ruled.

The reason for the legal dispute in 2018 was reports in social media and the press about Mockridge’s alleged vacation together with comedian and podcaster Ines Anioli. The speculations of picture and Bauer XCEL Media Germany, both traveled to South Africa together in January 2018. Mockridge and Anioli had published photos on Instagram, but they did not show them together. the picture assumed a couple vacation. Mockridge saw this as a violation of his general personality rights. The Berlin Court of Appeal agreed with him, and the BGH has now overturned this decision. The couple had separated in March 2019, and in July of the same year Anioli reported Mockridge for rape. The lawsuit was dismissed.

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