Mixed team competition: Trouble after ski jumping disqualification | tagesschau.de

Status: 07.02.2022 2:31 p.m

At the premiere of the mixed team competition in ski jumping, Slovenia won gold. The competition was overshadowed by numerous disqualifications. The German team was stunned.

The luster of the medals faded at the premiere of the Olympic mixed team competition due to the bizarre circumstances: “It was a premiere for ski jumping, for us women. We were so happy that we had a second competition at the Olympics. The Fis destroyed it with this action.” Not only Katharina Althaus was bitterly disappointed after her disqualification. In addition to the DSV team, this fate met three other teams.

Germany, Austria, Japan with disqualification in the 1st round

Slovenia was the only favorite to get through the first round on Monday without being disqualified, and at half-time they were more than in the lead. With 506.4 points, the quartet was 49 points ahead of Norway. The ROC was ahead of Canada in bronze.

Gold goes to Slovenia

But the final didn’t go without a setback either. In the Norwegians, Odine Anna Ström was disqualified.

With Slovenia (1001.50 points), one of the favorites deservedly celebrated the Olympic victory. The quartet of the Russian Olympic Committee (890.3) jumped to silver, Canada (844.60) surprisingly flew to bronze.

German team stunned

The competition had started well for the German team. Katharina Althaus jumped 104 meters free with silver in her pocket. Selina Freitag with 88 meters, Constantin Schmid with 101 and Karl Geiger with 101.5 meters put the team on course for a medal.

But then she was second in the ranking and was disqualified by Althaus. This dropped Germany to ninth place and missed the final.

Horngacher speaks of “Punch and Punch”

“The suit was apparently too big,” said women’s head coach Maximilian Mechler in the ZDF interview. The decision is incomprehensible, as national coach Stefan Horngacher explained the situation because the same suits had already been used before. “It was really bitter,” said the 52-year-old. “They are now starting to measure differently at the Olympics.”

Even Karl Geiger could only shake his head. “Whoa, that’s really a tough number,” he said, stunned. “Mega bizarre that three have now been taken out.”

Team Manager Horst Hüttel: Scandalous

“We’re all pissed off,” said team manager Horst Hüttel, also after consultation with Japan and Austria. “The girls say we all jumped the same suits as in the individual competition.”

If you take out three of the top athletes, the FIS has to question whether everything is okay. “Scandalous,” Hüttel called the situation.

Drama also for Japan and Austria

An elated Sara Takanashi, who had missed out on gold in the singles, flew to 103 meters and quickly had to trade joy for great disappointment. The 25-year-old was disqualified because of her suit. Japan made it into the final in eighth place.

In the Austrian team, Daniela Iraschko-Stolz suffered the same fate, but the red-white-red ski nation was still in the final in sixth place. Germany, on the other hand, was out. China also missed the decision.

Source: sportschau.de

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