Mitt Romney announces his political retirement to “make way for a new generation”

US Senator Mitt Romney, unsuccessful presidential candidate against Barack Obama, announced Wednesday that he would not run for another term.

“I have been involved in public service in one way or another for 25 years,” the 76-year-old Republican said in a statement. “It is frankly time to make way for a new generation of leaders,” continued the senator whose term ends in January 2025.

The announcement by Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, comes at a time when America is going through deep debates about the aging of its political class, including concerns for the health of Mitch McConnell (81 years old). .

Opponent of Trump

“We face crucial challenges — from our national debt to climate change, including the authoritarian ambitions of Russia and China,” he said, estimating that neither President Biden, 80, nor his rival Donald Trump, 77, was not equipped to face it.

In 2012, the Republican with a moderate tone and positions wore the Republican colors against Barack Obama, without success. He was elected to the Senate in November 2018, where he embodied one of the Republican voices most critical of Donald Trump, then president.

Romney also voted to convict Donald Trump during his two impeachment trials. The former president hailed “fantastic news” on his Truth Social network.

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