missions, qualities, studies and training

How to Become an Interior Designer
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What is an interior designer?

Not to be confused with interior designer, interior designer is dedicated to modifying interior spaces into more harmonious and functional places that meet client needs. For those who wish become an interior designer, it is important to understand that they can work for individuals who dream of transforming their interior but also for companies, shops, hotels, offices or even museums and places open to the public. The interior designer has a mission: create comfortable and aesthetic spaces.

To learn more about this profession and get professional advice, you can watch this explanatory video:

What is the difference between an architect and an interior designer?

These two professions are similar but still have differences. Architects’ mission is to design buildings, both inside and out, taking the structure into consideration.

Interior designers, for their part, are dedicated solely to interior space planning and adopt a more aesthetic look. It is not uncommon for these two professionals to work together.

What is the difference between an interior designer and an interior decorator?

These two professionals have different missions. The interior decorator only takes care of the decoration of the premises while an interior designer must think about the layout and ergonomics of the space entrusted to him.

What are the missions of an interior designer?

Interior Architect MissionsInterior Architect Missions
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An interior designer begins by finding out about the needs and aspirations of clients then carries out an inventory to integrate the constraints of the space and succeed in enhancing it.

Then he proceeds todevelopment of various plans taking into account the needs and desires of its client but also the financial and technical constraints as well as the standards to be respected. The interior design professional will offer his client initial plans and a financial estimate. The interior designer selects the decorative elements and materials necessary to carry out the project and helps his client with administrative procedures.

When the client accepts the interior designer’s proposal, the latter takes on the role of project manager. In fact, he will plan the work, coordinate its completion and choose the best service providers. But his role does not stop there. The interior designer organizes site meetings, sets up a work schedule and ensures that it is respected. Before delivery to the customer, he must check that the site is compliant.

What qualities are needed to be an interior designer?

To become an interior designer, you must possess several qualities. First, he must know how to demonstrate great listening skills. Indeed, as each site is different, it must adapt to each new client and therefore quickly understand their desires and needs to transcribe them into their interior design project. The sense of contact is essential.

Then, the interior designer must be very rigorous since he must satisfy his client’s desires while respecting technical standards and constraints. This therefore requires excellent organizational skills. In addition, he must have solid knowledge in the construction field. He must also to be curious and be interested in new materials and the latest trends. An interior designer should not hesitate to train throughout their career.

Finally, and this seems obvious, an interior designer must be creative since he is led to imagine spaces by playing in particular with colors and styles. He must offer his clients projects that are both aesthetic and innovative.

How to become an interior designer?

Several possibilities exist to become an interior designer.

The most classic route consists of obtaining your general baccalaureate or STD2A for Sciences and technologies of design and applied arts to then obtain a diploma related to art such as DN MADE space mention, the DNA (national art diploma) or the DEEA (diploma in architecture).

These three years of study allow you to acquire knowledge in space planning. They pave the way for the interior designer diploma which takes two additional years. To obtain it, it is advisable to join a school recognized by the French Council of Interior Architects. Admission is by competitive examination or application. Those who wish can continue their studies to obtain a doctorate in architecture.

But as this profession is not regulated, the diploma is not compulsory to practice as an interior designer. This means that this profession is open to everyone and can be considered as part of a professional retraining. However, specific training is very useful to learn basic skills.

As part of a retraining, it is possible to prepare for the title of interior architect thanks to the continuing education. Schools recognized by the French Council of Interior Architects also allow you to obtain a diploma through validation of acquired experience.

How to work as an interior designer?

An interior designer has several possibilities to practice his profession. He can choose to be liberal profession or employee.

In the first case, it is he who signs contracts with craftsmen and who must find his customers. He offers his fees according to the time spent or the percentage of the total expenditure made by the client for the project or applies a fixed price. As a liberal, the interior designer may be faced with periods of slumps where the amount of his income will be well below his expectations. He doesn’t count his hours.

In the second, he is part of a company, generally an architecture or interior design agency or an organization and is paid a monthly salary. His remuneration will increase with his experience and seniority. Their working hours are defined in their employment contract.

It is entirely possible to evolve and specialize in a type of development or building. For example, some interior designers choose to specialize in the design of businesses or hotels.

To become an interior designer, it is easier to follow specialized studies after the baccalaureate, but training in interior architecture is open to all people who wish to make a professional change.

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