“Mission Works” can also “repair relationships in families”

“What we do in Mission Works, we could do it without the cameras because it’s the result that counts. There is a real human side, we help people put their homes in order and that calms their relationship, ”says Stéphane Plaza. The real estate agent already at the head of five programs on M6 joins “the ace of works” and youtuber Laurent Jacquet for the new episodes of this program launched in February.

The arrival of the facilitator alongside the craftsman makes it possible “to devote more time to the human aspect that accompanies the work”, he confides to 20 minutes. The show strives to “give all the keys” to transform the families it helps into “real DIY pros”.

“If we do not succeed in the work, they will separate”

According to Laurent Jacquet, Mission Works also contributes, sometimes, to “repairing relations in the family”. “These are also couples in danger, who sinter, who can be overwhelmed by tension, adds Stéphane Plaza. Sometimes we have the impression that if we don’t succeed in the work, they will separate. »

It is out of the question to carry out the work in place of the owners. “Restore morale” requires support from craftsmen and craftswomen from all over France. “We try to re-motivate people who have dropped the work necessary to carry out a life project”, continues Laurent Jacquet. With his colleagues, he provides viewers with tips to apply at home.

More than 1,600 requests

Mission Works had attracted 2.17 million viewers for its first issue. This success has resulted in more than 1,600 new requests for helping hands, some of which “are a bit of a call for help”.

The production has chosen two families for this new number. “Selecting the families with whom we are going to shoot is both human and work,” explains Bruno Fallot, president of Fremantle France, which produces the show. The criteria used are the scale of the work – it must be done in a maximum of two weeks – the urgency of the site, but also the family history to be told on screen.

“Emissions like that, we could make hundreds since there is the whole earth to help”, confirms Laurent Jacquet. He says he is always surprised by the emotion of the people in whom Mission Works set up his cameras. “Until the moment there is a knock on the door, the family has no idea that they are being filmed. »

And for the others? The production encourages them to take the advice given on the show without forgetting that they “may be recalibrated for this time but maybe we will come and get them for a next show”, concludes the craftsman.

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