Mille Miglia 2024 – Vintage cars triumph over electric rally

The automotive reality has long since arrived in Italy. With substantial subsidies, tailored to the vehicle, clientele and user behavior, the Italian government is trying to get its own drivers excited about the electric mobility of tomorrow. It’s not that easy, because most cars on the Italian market are inexpensive small and compact cars – often even older models. Switching to a new model with a plug hurts your wallet and the power supply in many regions is not at all prepared for a significant number of fast charging stations and consumers.

Mille Miglia Green is no competition

The Lancia Y, one of the best-selling vehicles of recent years, has become almost 8,000 euros more expensive in its new generation, from the current market price of just under 15,000 euros – already including all subsidies. A new Lancia Y is also taking part in the Mille Miglia Green – a real dud, because while the number of historic Mille Miglia participants has been increased to well over 400 participants despite a hefty starting price of over 12,000 euros and there are long waiting lists, just seven vehicles with plugs are starting in the eco-offshoot of the Mille Miglia Green in 2024. The reason is obvious to many car fans. “The electric cars have no place here at the Mille Miglia,” says Thomas Kempner from Switzerland, who visits his friends in Brescia every year, “what’s the point? We want to see the historic racing cars.” But the new edition of the historic Mille Miglia is a real crowd puller again this year.

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