Mila Kunis: “Parental Failure” shocks Ashton Kutcher

Mila Kunis
Ashton Kutcher is shocked by “parental failure”

Mila Kunis speaks honestly about her parenting methods.

© Tinseltown /

Mila Kunis advised her daughter to push another classmate in her place with a push.

Mila Kunis (38) is known to chat openly and honestly about everyday life with her two children Wyatt Isabelle (6) and Dimitri Portwood (4) and her husband Ashton Kutcher (43). Now she has in the web series “Mom Confessions” reported by Ellen DeGeneres (63) about a “parenting failure” that happened to her with her daughter.

The six-year-old told her mother about a girl from her preschool who had been mean to her and pushed her. “I said instinctively, ‘Did you push her back?’ And my daughter said: ‘No!’ “Says Kunis. She then advised her daughter: “Next time, push her back, say: ‘No, thank you’ and walk away. Don’t push her off a ladder, a swing or a slide, but on the ground, just like she pushes you. ” Her husband responded to her unusual advice with a shake of his head and a loud “No!” reacts, as the 38-year-old reports. “That was probably an educational failure,” she honestly admits.

Mila Kunis: your daughter is “wonderfully smart”

As the video progresses, Kunis talks about the similarity between her and Wyatt Isabelle: “She’s like me. She’s independent and spirited. And she’s wonderfully smart.” She has a million answers to questions and she’s never wrong.

Kunis had already caused a stir this summer with an everyday anecdote. In the show “Armchair Expert”, which is hosted by the actors Dax Shepard (46) and Monica Padman (32), she revealed that she did not bathe their two children “every day” when they were still toddlers. In the meantime, Kutcher had revealed: “I wash my armpits and crotch every day and nothing else.” After a discussion about hygiene broke out, the couple made fun of it in an Instagram clip: “What’s going on here? Is the water? You’re putting water on the kids? Are you trying to melt them? That’s crazy!” says Kutcher in the clip in the direction of his laughing wife who is bathing the children.


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