Migration: Weber: Germany “sleepwalks into a new migration crisis”

Weber: Germany “sleepwalks into new migration crisis”

EPP politician Manfred Weber (CSU) speaks in the European Parliament. photo

© Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

Because of the Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, EPP Chairman Manfred Weber expects many refugees this winter. The Federal Republic is not prepared for this.

The chairman of the European People’s Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, expects an increase in the number of refugees this winter. “In view of the ongoing destruction of energy infrastructure in Ukraine by Putin’s terror regime, we have to be prepared for a large number of Ukrainians coming to the EU this winter – and many of them to Germany,” Weber told the “Welt am Sonntag”. in relation to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I’m afraid we’re going to experience a dramatic flight winter.” Germany is not prepared for this situation and is “sleepwalking into a new migration crisis”.

With a view to the escape route across the Mediterranean towards Italy, the EPP leader proposed joint patrols by German and Italian officials at the EU’s external borders there. According to Weber, those who have fled without a visa, passport or reason for asylum should be returned immediately.


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