Migration to the EU: “A historic exceptional situation” – Politics

Almost 220,000 people applied for asylum in Germany last year, more than at any time since 2016. In addition, more than a million Ukrainians have sought protection here. A particularly large number of people are also arriving in the rest of Europe. The sociologist and migration researcher Gerald Knaus therefore speaks of an “historically exceptional situation”.

“If the war in Ukraine doesn’t go well, then it’s very easy for hundreds of thousands or even more to come to Germany again this year,” says Knaus. Concrete solutions are therefore needed now. For the people from the Ukraine, Knaus proposes funding for private accommodation, especially in Germany and France. The willingness to do so is there: “A survey at the end of last year showed that 20 percent of German households could imagine taking in someone privately.” According to Knaus, anyone who does this should receive 500 euros a month tax-free from the state as support.

The number of people from other countries who immigrated to the EU in 2022, on the other hand, is not unusually high, says Knaus. The fact that so many have applied for asylum in Germany is because they have migrated from other EU countries: “The right to humane treatment in other EU countries no longer works,” says Knaus, for example in Greece or Hungary. He advocates that rights are observed throughout the asylum process – even at the external borders, where illegal pushbacks continue to occur time and again.

Click here for the text about the initial reception center for people from the Ukraine in the village of Frommenhausen.

The editorial deadline for this program was Friday, February 17, 2023 at 6 p.m.

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Moderation, editing: Nadja Schlueter

Editor: Vincent-Vitus Leitgeb

Produced by Justin Patchett

Additional audio material about ZDF, dpa, Guardian News, Independent and Welt

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