Migration to Germany: The countries of origin of asylum seekers in 2024

More people than ever before are fleeing violence, war, conflict and persecution around the world. In May there were 120 million, almost ten percent more than a year ago, as the UN refugee agency UNHCR reported in Geneva on June 13, 2024. It was the twelfth consecutive increase in the numbers. Around 1.5 percent of the entire world population has been displaced from their homes, according to the new World Refugee Report.

A good two-thirds of people are fleeing within the borders of their own homeland. The impression that migrants and refugees are mainly flocking to rich countries is wrong, said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi. “75 percent of those who are displaced, either in their own country or abroad, live in poor or middle-income countries,” said Grandi. Most people stay in neighboring countries after fleeing in the hope of being able to return home quickly.

Germany ranks second in asylum applications

The USA and Germany were highly rated by people who see no chance of returning soon: The USA recorded by far the most asylum applications, a total of 1.2 million. This was followed by Germany with around 330,000 applications, ahead of Egypt, Spain and Canada.

The figures are only partially comparable from year to year because the data situation in some countries is becoming more precise and the data collection methods have changed in some cases. Records refer to the period since 1951, when the UNHCR first recorded refugee numbers.

Schulze for more development aid

“The dramatic increase in the number of refugees shows me very clearly that we need more development cooperation right now, not less,” said Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD). Development policy creates prospects for refugees on the ground and for them to return to their homeland. “This is also in Germany’s interest,” said the minister.

Sources:“Statista on countries of origin of asylum seekers in Germany 2024”, “Statista” on war refugees from Ukraine in GermanyDPA.

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