Migration: Media: Biden plans stricter rules for US southern border

Media: Biden plans stricter rules for US southern border

Republicans accuse Biden of having lost control of protecting the southern border. Photo

© Evan Vucci/AP/dpa

The issue of migration dominates the presidential election campaign in the USA. Republicans accuse Biden of not doing enough. The Democrat is now reportedly planning a drastic step.

US President According to media reports, Joe Biden wants to significantly tighten his migration policy on the southern border with Mexico. The Democrat’s plan is to close the border if the number of illegal border crossings exceeds 2,500 per day, US media report, citing unnamed sources. The border could be opened if the number falls below 1,500.

Biden now wants to present his plans and sign a corresponding decree, it said. Since there are already more than 2,500 illegal border crossings per day, the decree could mean that the border will be closed immediately.

CNN wrote that the text of the decree could still change before it is presented – and that this also applies to the numbers. According to the plans, migrants can still request appointments to apply for asylum. Unaccompanied minors are also excluded from the regulation.

The issue of migration is once again playing a particularly important role in the presidential election campaign in the USA. The Republicans accuse Democrat Biden of having lost control of the protection of the southern border in view of the large number of migrants. Challenger Donald Trump, for example, speaks of an “invasion” of the USA. Mexico lies on the migration route of people fleeing their homeland because of poverty, violence and political crises.


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